This October 29, 2022, the St. Paul’s family once more had the opportunity to come together to attend Mass, to share a wonderful breakfast, to hear a guest speaker and to just be with each other at the annual Communion Breakfast. Held at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston, Queens, 124 people joined together to celebrate their Cursillo experience and each other. There were men and women from Cursillos held 50 years ago, more current years and even this past spring.

Monsignor Robert Romano was the main celebrant and he was joined by Reverend Joseph Holcomb. Both of these wonderful priests are Cursillistas and have played major roles in the Brooklyn Diocese Cursillo programs since the 1970’s. It was great to see them both and a testament to just how long a person’s 4th Day can last.

It was such a wonderful experience for the St. Paul’s family. Many have not seen each other in person for years, in a large part due to the Covid pandemic and the reduced opportunities for face to face get togethers. People were able to not only catch up with each other but also to share their faith and their joy of past experiences with the St. Paul’s Cursillo program. Hopefully we will be able to participate in a Communion Breakfast in 2023.