Guided Meditation Scheduled for October & Married Couples Prayer & Faith Share in November By Tom Leavens
St. Paul’s Cursillo continues to find ways to bring the Cursillo Community together over Zoom Conferencing. Women’s Spiritual Team Member, Darlene McGovern, has two exciting events planned over the next few months:
Please join us for a guided meditation on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 7:30 PM over Zoom Conferencing. The evening will consist of a guided meditation followed by faith sharing. The gathering should only take one hour. This is a great way to stay connected to the Cursillo Community. All are welcome.
Darlene & Mike McGovern invite you to join us on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, at 7:30 PM over Zoom Conferencing. This is offered to all married couples. This is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your spouse and with God. Please join us for this evening.
We are truly thankful for all of our event presenters who create these inspiring sessions. We are very grateful to all that attend these sessions and open their hearts to what they hear. We hope to announce new opportunities in the next few weeks. Please continue to spread the message of Cursillo to the people in your lives that haven’t experienced their weekend yet—it can make the invitation to the next Women’s and Men’s Cursillos easier to share!