Stand at the crossroads and look,

Ask for the ancient paths;

Which was the good way?  Take it

And you will find rest for yourselves.

Jeremiah 6:16

Life is a journey.  We are always “on the road”.  Each time January greets us, we have an opportunity to pause, to see where we have been, to      notice how far we have come, and to ponder how that journey has been for us.  Each new year is also a time to clear our vision, to take stock of our resources, and to refresh our dreams.

There are times when we may feel stuck in a rut, facing a dead end, or caught up in a very ordinary pattern of life.  Yet, if we pause to look deeper, to examine our life more closely, we will see that many people and events have called us to growth.

Who knew that I would learn how to Zoom!  Through the gift of Zoom, I was able to “see” people that I haven’t seen in a while and on a regular basis.  I was able to faith share with them.  Those sessions have greatly enhanced my spiritual life. This pandemic has caused many of us to change our ways.  If we look real hard, we can see some gifts that this pandemic has brought.  Maybe you can’t see the gifts because you have lost a loved one, and that can be very difficult. Hopefully, if you look real hard, you can see at least one gift.   Our daughter did not have the big wedding that she always dreamed of, but she had a quiet wedding on the beach in Florida.  I spent more quiet time at home.  Sometimes that was a gift and sometimes it was a pain in the neck!

As we look back over the journey of the past year, it is helpful to identify the places that blessed us, affirmed us, enlivened us and enriched us.  We also need to reflect on the situations that     challenged us, tested us, discouraged us, or even tried to destroy us.

Where was God in all of this?  Did you talk to Him?  Cry to Him?  Get angry with Him?  Praise Him?  Did you remember that He was here with you through it all?  I know for me, it’s how I have made it through this pandemic so far.

Think about some of these questions:

Who are the people or events that called you to growth last year?

What are the places that blessed you, affirmed you, enlivened you and enriched you?

What situations challenged you, tested you, discouraged you or even tried to destroy you?

Are there things you want to do differently in 2022?  Are there things you want to do the same? 

Whatever you do, remember that God is always there with you.  Rely on Him.  He will show you the way.  Happy  New Year and De Colores