This morning, when you got out of bed, did you look in the mirror? Maybe comb your and hair, brush your teeth, taking steps to change your appearance?
Changing our physical appearance can be simple, how do we change our inner self?
The guided meditation, that was presented in October, began with a knock at my door and Jesus entering as my guest. After a sense of awe, I invite Him in. His manner is extremely comforting, and I immediately want to have a cup of coffee with Him and serve food. In the gospel stories, Jesus has typically asked if there was anything to eat, to share a meal with the disciples.
However, that is not the reason for the visit. Jesus is going to read a passage to me, St Paul’s letter, 1Corinthians, chapter 13, the virtue of love.
Jesus has a large hand mirror and holds it up to His face as he reads the scripture, using God in place of the word love. I watch Jesus’ face as He speaks aware that I am in the presence of God, who is love. I am smiling.
One of the questions: What was it like to for me to look at Jesus in the mirror as He spoke?
My first thought: I saw His incredible love for me. And at the same time knowing that I am flawed. Do I reflect the compassion and love I see in Jesus to others?
There has been an analogy that the “Bible is a mirror”. The word of God and the light of the Holy Spirit will reveal the changes needed to be the person God has meant me to be. I can learn by reading scripture and following the word of God. The Bible is God’s gift to us. When we look at ourselves in the mirror of God’s word, we can see where we need to change, our appearances will be changed through the gifts of grace offered to us.
Paul wrote that love never fails and endures forever. Verse 12-13: “for now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope, love. But the greatest of these is love.”
Our faith is the foundation, hope is our focus and love is our service to others.
“Our goal is simply to stand before God with a prepared and willing heart and then let God do His work.”
May the Holy Spirit lead you and show you your reflection in the mirror of Christ.