Sadly, Men’s Cursillo Team Member Danny O’Brien passed away in May after a long battle with heart related issues. He is now at home with   Jesus and many of the other great people from St. Paul’s who went    before him.  Danny always had a smile and a laugh for you. He loved the Cursillo so much and was a good    sponsor who brought many men to Cursillo. He was a man who talked the talk and, actually, walked the walk. A good man who had a profound devotion to the Blessed Mother. He said that the month of May was his special month. The first time he gave an Ultreya talk was in May, and he said, “That was no                    coincidence, my mother arranged that.“ He planned to give another 4th Day talk, and was slotted for May of last year, but that was cancelled due to his struggles with his health.
The first time he presented his CCIA talk on a Cursillo weekend, he approached the podium—all dappered up, stepped away so all the men could see him and said, “Does this suit make me look fat?“ The guys all laughed, as well as Danny. This was true Danny-style, always a laugh.
His funeral mass was a beautiful tribute to the man, the policeman, and the Irishman that he was. The NYPD Police Honor Guard and a bagpiper were visible signs in tribute to him. At the close of his homily, the Mass celebrant said, “Jesus says to Daniel, enter my son into the eternal paradise of my Father in heaven, because you already experienced hell on earth.“ Rest in Peace, our brother, Danny. Your angel duties will continue.