On the weekend of November 3-6, 2022, nineteen women came to experience an Encounter with Christ! Thank you to our amazing community who keeps inviting women to have this incredible experience. 

I often hear from other Cursillistas that Jesus walks the halls of “St. Paul’s.” Well, that is as true now as it ever has been because He goes where we go and He walks the Cursillo with us during a weekend and every day, no matter where we are, no matter when. The Seminary in Huntington is a Holy Place – Jesus was truly present to us that weekend! 

A great team of women came to serve this weekend, some new, some seasoned, we are blessed to have so many faith-filled women on our team. Our new Rectora, Theresa McHugh, led the women throughout the weekend with a peaceful presence, gently guiding and keeping us on time. Our table team consisted of Cathy Klimar, Lorraine Kosinski, Anne Haffey, Rosemary Maikis, Silvia Madison and Donna Wendelken, our newest table team member. The Angel Team was led by Head Angel Christine Vigliette, along with Joanne Lauro, Fran Monaco, Norma Scally and Danielle Donaldson, our newest angel. Tracey O’Reilly was our Rectora in training and our Spiritual Team included Angie-Lee Vazquez, Lisa Brogan, Beth Barker and Darlene McGovern. What a powerhouse of incredible women who came to serve the weekend.

The community came out to provide a joyous welcome to our newest Cursillistas. It is always amazing to experience the energy in the room. Electrifying!! Their witness to the weekend was inspiring and uplifting to hear. If you were there, you know what I mean! If you weren’t, keep reading, we have some beautiful testimonials.

It’s truly an honor and a privilege to participate in a weekend. I’m always awed by all that happens throughout the weekend. Our God is so very good to us … All The Time. 

As we all hear at the end of each weekend – Christ is counting on us!  Please keep inviting men and women to deepen their relationship and friendship with God. We are all called to keep inviting, to reach out to someone who deserves a weekend. Who in your life deserves a Cursillo weekend?  DeColores!