It took probably fifteen years and three different people inviting me to my Cursillo. If I have one regret… it is that I should have acted on the invitation extended to me fifteen years ago!

I will tell you that this Cursillo has changed me spiritually and aligned me more with God and His Son, Jesus. Four days retreating from a world that has    pretty much turned its back to God and Jesus,  affords one the privilege to truly know thyself, and allow God to enter and permeate your heart, mind and soul, with His abundant love and peace. I believe that this is the perfect way to live our lives in a very imperfect world.

The Cursillo way of life is abundant with love, trust,    forgiveness, patience, generosity and hope. Living in that consciousness with like-minded and spiritually  immersed people demonstrates the way that an all-loving, all-knowing and all-forgiving Father designed and intended for each of us to live. A life filled with eternal hope.

What an incredible spiritual awakening and life altering event! What a blessing! Thank you, God!

DeColores, Bob Oerzen #232


“It’s more than I could ever have imagined. Enlightening!” – Bryan Jones

“Life will never be the same again.”  – Pat Motherway

“Cursillo meant friendship in Christ with people who are all broken and striving, like me.” – Robert Russell

“Outstanding experience. A chance to find my peace.” – Peter LaTorre

“A moving experience! Worth the time and effort. Built new friendships.” – Frank Anderson