After two years, we were able to gather for a weekend for women who are familiar with the Alanon Program. Twenty-eight beautiful women accepted the invitation to a weekend experience that was founded in 1982 for all women affiliated with Al-anon with a clear understanding that it is a place that we associate God as our Higher Power and the talks are God centered. It is a place where you can speak about your faith and love for Jesus. It is not necessary to have experienced a Cursillo; the invitation is there for them but not a requirement.

We met to pray, discuss, reflect on the theme, “The Serenity Prayer.”

The Serenity Prayer is a petition to God asking for calmness and peace in all matters of life. It asks for strength and courage to alter the matters within a person’s control and for acceptance in matters which cannot be changed.

The talks were centered on the three main points of the Serenity Prayer: Acceptance, Courage, Wisdom.  The women from our team provided inspiring talks and prayers throughout the weekend.

Msgr. Joe Calise joined us on Saturday with a grace filled talk inspired by the theme of the weekend, followed by confessions, and mass.  It was a special time for us to have him in our company.

The weekend started with prayer and the prayers continued along with sharing of ourselves and with each other. Volunteers arrived on Saturday afternoon to offer their services in healing treatments. Also, Certified Spiritual Directors were available for one-on-one sacred listening; there was opportunity to take a walk, spend time in quiet mediation in the chapel, and we also had our “book store on wheels” available for the women to purchase a spiritual sentiment.

Some of the women have made statements regarding this weekend:

“Loved the theme of the weekend; Wonderful being together again; Loved the new retreat center.”

“Breaking down the Serenity Prayer allowed me to look at the prayer in a whole new way, new insights to the strength of the Serenity Prayer.”

“Incredible, well organized, everything I heard I needed to hear.”

“Loved the talk from Msgr. Calise, his talk was very honest and heartfelt which I could relate to – helped me reflect on difficult issues.”

“Excellent program designed with truth and inspiration to attest to the power of God in our every moment.”

“Wonderful “family” feeling; Wonderful loving team; Awesome, perfect, excellent.”

It was a wonderful experience to be together again, in a beautiful new retreat center, filled with many graced moments.  God’s loving presence was there, and we are blessed and grateful for the experience.