A Reflection of God’s Vision for 2024 By Theresa McHugh
Happy New Year!
I am breathing a sigh of relief that the frantic part of the holiday season is done. I don’t think I am alone in that sentiment. Over the last few years, I had really begun to reevaluate what the true meaning of the season meant for me. This year, especially, the greatest lesson I have learned is to keep my mind on Jesus. As Advent progressed, I intentionally focused on the theme for that week. I was hard pressed when it came to joy. Grief from the death of my father this past summer lightly drifted in and out of moments in my days. I was grateful that in those moments I knew God wasn’t a far away God, that He was right there with me. So, God and I had plenty of quiet time with one another, sometimes not so quiet- at least not on my end.
Somewhere in all that, I began to consider my vision for the upcoming year. What would I like to see happen in my life? What needs to change? What am I willing to do about any of it? Putting the laundry list of future broken resolutions aside, I laughed when it dawned on me to ask, “God, what is your vision for my life?” This is the real-life definition of Holy waiting. Partially yes and partially no – I do believe I am living out His vision for me each day. I trust God will reveal all that and so much more in His time. As I continue to ask God to mold and shape me, His vision becomes my reality.
In 12-Step Recovery, we strive to live our lives 24 hours at a time—each day is a new beginning, a clean slate, a “do-over”. I believe that is precisely what living life in deep relationship with Christ is for me. So, at the clock strike of midnight this past New Year’s Eve, I unhitched the U-Haul truck of 2023’s worst moments to embrace to new vision God has in store for me.
I will continue to contemplate what God is calling me to do this new year with every invitation. In your prayer time you might want to consider:
What is God’s vision for your life? What is He calling you to do in this new season? What dreams does He want you to pursue? What matters of your heart does He want to work on healing? In what areas does He want you to grow?