A Seasonal Reflection By Jim Linden
It seems like our weather cycle and our liturgical calendar are moving in a parallel direction. Although the temperatures may still be brisk and the sunny days limited as we enter the final weeks of winter, we know that the glory of spring will soon be with us with warmer temperatures and the colorful blossoms of forsythia and tulips bringing us a sense of renewal as we anticipate the fun of warm weather activities that will soon be ours again.
Liturgically, we are in the solemn season of Lent, culminating in the suffering and death that Jesus endured for us so that our sins may be forgiven. Yet, we also anticipate His glorious Resurrection on Easter. Jesus returns to life just as nature is regenerating itself and the trees and flowers are emerging from their winter tombs just as the stone was rolled Back and Jesus arose to proclaim his victory over death.
This is my favorite time of the year as I look forward to all the splendor and celebration of spring and Easter. But it also reminds me that we have to endure the cold dark winter and the solemnity of Lent to truly appreciate the wonders of spring and Easter. Without the crucifixion, there could be no resurrection and without the role of winter in our weather cycle, the glory of spring would not be the same.
I believe that this is similar to the daily challenges that we experience in our lives. Sometimes, we may wonder why misfortune or illness or disappointments occur. Yet, it has been my experience that, when I am going through a difficult period, God has an answer for me. I just may not recognize or understand it. So often, I have prayed for a resolution that I thought would bring me what I hoped for, only to have God come up with a different and better answer than I could have ever imagined. The difficulty of experiencing what made me ask God for His help makes me so much more appreciative when He provides me with the answer or, in some cases, no answer at all, because what I was praying for was not the best thing for me. The suffering makes me so more appreciative of the resolution and sometimes that may just be the strength to endure what is happening to me. Without the Crucifixion, whatever that may represent in our lives, there can be no Resurrection.
So, I invite you to live Lent and the final days of winter with the anticipation of the glory of the Resurrection and of spring and, as you enjoy the concurrent spiritual and natural renewal, to realize that Jesus is always with you no matter what you may be experiencing and He will always provide the answer to that which you ultimately seek.