As I walk my journey of faith, the thing that I struggle with most is discernment. The word discernment comes from the Greek word “anakrino,” which means to examine or distinguish. The heart of spiritual discernment is being able to distinguish the voice of the world from the voice of God. This discernment can be in connection with a person, situation, environment, or statement. Some things are easily distinguishable as not being from God, robbing a bank- not from God. But it is in dealing with more nuanced day-to-day situations and people that I struggle.

Discernment is addressed throughout the Bible. Proverbs 2: 3-5 states, “For if you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God.” Jesus provides for us a remarkable example of discernment in John 2: 24-25 = “Jesus would not entrust himself to them… for he knew what was in a man.” However, the Pharisees and Sadducees, not so much. Although they were thought to be the wise religious leaders of the day, they were unable to identify Jesus Christ as the Messiah because they were too wrapped up in their own knowledge. Yet those that were viewed as uneducated, simple, or foolish saw the truth.

Where does that leave me. My struggles come in different forms. When I pray on something that I am seeking direction on, I sometimes question my ability to distinguish my will or my ego from the voice of God. My prayer then turns to the Holy Spirit asking for the ability to see things through God’s eyes.

In dealing with the so often un-Godly world that we live in today-the hatred, violence, prejudice, materialism, and false preachers, I struggle in not being influenced by these outside forces. I find that it weighs on my heart and can be very discouraging. But I turn to God’s Word to know Him better so that I may find the strength to hear His Word and remain in His love, and I would like to share this prayer that I found a while back that very often keeps me on track-

Holy Father,

“Thank you for wisdom from Your Word and guidance from Your Spirit. Thank you for leading us and making Your wisdom available to us. Lord, I know that without You, I will make foolish, selfish, sinful choices that do not bring You glory or expand Your kingdom.

Please grant me discernment. Help me to understand Your will and Your way in all circumstances. Give me conviction to do what is right, peace to know it is Your leading, and the insight to see when I am trying to discern in my own power rather than Yours. Make me discerning like Jesus.”

In Your Son’s name I pray, Amen.

De Colores,
Debbie Ioimo-Whiffen