An November Reflection By Nancy Massaro
What are we thankful for each day? How have we been blessed?
In this season of Thanksgiving we have an opportunity to reflect on our blessings and there are many, whether we realized them or not, given to us through God’s generosity.
A new baby, a successful return to health, a prayer answered. A trip completed safely. If a great happening in our lives leaves us with gratitude, we thank God.
As we reflect on all of our blessings, we remember all our loved ones who have passed through our lives and who are no longer with us. Those loved ones have been for us GIFTS FROM GOD..
Parents who had nurtured us during their lives. Siblings who had been our closest friends and allies. Friends with whom we had spent precious hours. Spouses who have mirrored God’s love for us, and who have allowed us to experience the unconditional love that God has for us.
We are grateful for our family and friends who are in our lives now, who support us and are always there when we need to share our happy moments, and times when we need a shoulder to lean on and very often need a hug of reassurance. They are surely God’s presence in our lives.
I try to keep that grateful attitude in my heart all year long. I thank God for a grateful heart.
As I reflect on my personal blessings I include this Cursillo Community who have been so very supportive to one another and particularly to me.
Happy Thanksgiving dear friends.