On Wednesday evening, November 8, twelve couples came together on a Zoom call to attend the Married Couples Reunion. This meeting was for all married couples regardless of whether or not they have made a Married Couples Weekend or a Cursillo Weekend. Rich and Norma Scally were the speakers. They spoke about some of the challenges in a marriage. They pointed out that lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. They stressed how important it is to communicate with each other and with God. They also spoke about the importance of being kind and understanding to your spouse, the need to forgive – small and large matters, and the importance of accountability to each other. After Norma and Rich spoke, the couples were asked to turn off their audio and visual and discuss the following questions: How do you resolve conflicts?; Describe the first time you met each other and the feelings you had; How do you express your love towards your spouse and is there something you need to work on; What are some of the kindest things your spouse has done for you?

All the couples agreed that it was a good exercise. So many times there are topics we don’t think about discussing with our spouse. Being a part of this meeting helps couples come closer to each other and to God.

Please consider attending the next Married Couples Weekend; April 5-7, 2024.