The Couples Weekend Retreat was held at The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington on April 5-7. After a week of heavy rain, the sun came out and welcomed us to the beautiful
surroundings of the seminary. It was a good sign of things to come. The sun was also shining in the rooms. We were welcomed with love, and it was a joy meeting the other couples on this retreat.

Thanks to Darlene and Mike McGovern for all their hard work organizing and hosting this weekend, and it was great to see Mike working the retreat after months of knee surgery complications. God is good. The meals were delicious, and the connections we made were special. We played word games, danced, and sang together, and there were tears and laughter during discussions about the struggles and joys of marriage. Thank you to all the couples who made this weekend possible. We learned ways to keep our marriage alive, and praying everyday together is the key.

We heard,” There is no Rainbow without a Storm,” and there is no marriage without these hills and valleys, but we can overcome anything when we keep God in the center of our lives and marriage.

It was bittersweet when the retreat came to an end, and we left feeling different. We found the rainbow on our weekend.

De Colores,
Norma and Rich Scally