MEN’S CURSILLO #235—October 19-22, 2023 at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington, NY By Tom Leavens
On the weekend of October 19-22, 2023, St. Paul’s Cursillo hosted the 235th Men’s Cursillo weekend at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington, NY. Twenty -seven candidates accepted the invitation to explore a life in God’s Friendship. Men’s Cursillo Director Jim Barker assembled a great Team that provided, through their example, the message to the candidates that, “Christ is counting on you.”
The Rector for this Cursillo was Rich Grillo. The Angels for this weekend were Keith Brandow, John Sommers, Padraig Spellman, Rob Palumbo & Tim Wulle. The Table Team was Brian Cavallo, Greg Carter, James Durenberger, Joe Graham, Michael Hoffner, Paul Bergin, Sean Sorahan, Steve Hernandez, Mike McGovern & Chuck DeDora. The Spiritual Team was Joe Amato, Doug Bauer, Pearse McDonnell, Jim Linden & Fr. Tom Moriarty.
The Closing allowed the candidates to share what happened between them and God on the weekend. Their words of witness were powerful and heartfully felt by all that attended.
The one-month reunion for this weekend is on Sunday, November 19th at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception. We hope that the Men of Cursillo 235 keep their close bound from their weekend & attend their reunion, as well as future opportunities to gather with the Cursillo community.
The next Men’s Cursillo is April 11-14, 2024.