On Monday August 28, 2023, women from the Cursillo #290 gathered to commemorate their one-month
reunion. It always brings a smile to my heart to see the women sharing hugs and chatting as if it was only
yesterday that we were all together. Something odd happens with the sense of time, from the shock that
it has been 1 month already to the competing thought that it seemed so long ago. God certainly works in
mysterious ways. And there was no doubt that God was working in the lives of the women who came to
share and pray together. It was grace filled to witness these women growing in their faith as they
reflected on Christ’s presence in their lives.

Here are some thoughts on their experiences:

“I came to the Cursillo weekend with some doubts and concerns regarding the quality of my Christian
faith. So much confusion that I couldn’t even formulate the words of my questions. By the time the
weekend concluded, my concerns and doubts were gone – without even asking specific questions. I
continue to be a seeker but feel cemented in my faith journey in a deep way as each day passes.”

“The weekend reminded me that I am enough. And that God is always with me and loves me. God gives
me strength.” – Jeanne Theodoropoulos

“I was so pleased to meet and get to know the other lovely ladies. Their honesty and openness is
something I will cherish for a long time.”

“My Cursillo weekend was inspiring and strengthening. I was very moved by how many strong women
overcame their obstacles through God’s love. God listens.” – Michelle Motherway

“A wonderful weekend. The strength and beauty of the women I met will always be a part of my heart.
Jesus certainly was present. Jesus, others, yourself. It was a real joy.” – Rosanne

“A beautiful way to stay connected to Jesus.”

“The weekend gave me a newfound strength I never knew I had. I truly believe this is God working in my

“I feel braver to go on. I got confidence and strength.” & “The weekend reminded me how much I need
God in my life.”